Nov. 19, 2023

James D. Brewer

James D. Brewer

Interview with James D. Brewer, author of the novel BLOOD ON THE CROSSTIES: THE FLORIDA CHAUTAUQUA MURDERS.

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Unveiling the Mysteries of Blood on the Cross Ties: An Interview with Author James Brewer



James Brewer, the author behind the captivating novel "Blood on the Cross Ties," recently joined us on the Reading and Writing Podcast for an in-depth conversation. In this blog post, we dive into the highlights of the interview, offering you exclusive insights into the inspiration, research, and writing process that brought this historical mystery novel to life.


## Setting the Stage


"Blood on the Cross Ties" takes readers on a captivating journey through the late 19th-century Florida, a time when the role of the railroad in opening up the state to tourism and settlement was profound. James Brewer, a retired military veteran with a penchant for historical mysteries, found inspiration in this rich historical backdrop.


## The Birth of Choctaw Parker


At the heart of the series lies the protagonist, Choctaw Parker, a man of mixed heritage wrestling with his identity in a world torn between two cultures. Brewer expertly weaves Parker's story as he navigates the railroad's dark underbelly and uncovers the secrets that lie along the tracks.


## The Research Process


To authentically recreate this bygone era, Brewer embarked on an extensive research journey, delving into the annals of history and personally experiencing the settings of his story. From consulting local historians and visiting historical societies to walking the very tracks his characters tread, Brewer left no stone unturned in his quest for accuracy and immersion.


## Crafting the Narrative


When it comes to writing, Brewer advises aspiring authors to focus on storytelling above all else. Drawing from his own experiences, he encourages writers to let research guide their narratives but to not simply regurgitate historical facts. Instead, he suggests blending real characters and settings with fictional elements to create a captivating and meaningful tale that resonates with readers.


## An Exciting Future


As we concluded our interview, Brewer hinted at even more gripping tales to come. While the third book in the Choctaw Parker series is near completion, he remains open to the possibility of continuing the series based on readers' reception and feedback. Furthermore, Brewer shared his plans for a standalone novel centered around a World War II veteran grappling with the aftermath of his harrowing experiences.


## Connect with James Brewer


If you're fascinated by historical mysteries or want to learn more about his works, visit James Brewer's website, []( There, you can explore his fiction and non-fiction titles, including a serialized non-fiction work that offers a unique perspective on a captivating historical era.


In conclusion, our conversation with James Brewer shed light on the mesmerizing world of "Blood on the Cross Ties" and the creative process behind his captivating series. Stay tuned for future releases while you savor the mystery and intrigue woven into the pages of Brewer's novels.